Sunday, November 27, 2011

Safer Cookware

A while back I started reading a book called The Healthy Home by Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz (listed in my NOTED BOOKS list on the right hand side of this page). My good friend Dena had recommended the book as she has started trying to make healthier choices for her family. She actually started me thinking about all this stuff! This book talks about all the things you can do to change your home into a less toxic environment - an amazing read. But, I will warn you, It will scare the heeebeeegees out of you - and you can't change all this stuff overnight - you just have to be aware and try to change things little by little. And one of the items addressed in the book is non-stick cookware. And to get rid of it.

I also came across an article by Dr. Mercola about the dangers of using non-stick cookware (of which we are the owners of several skillets) and alas, I was not happy about what I read. Here's an excerpt from the article:

"More evidence has emerged regarding the dangers of Perflurooctanoic Acid (PFOA), which is used in the production of non-stick cookware and stain-resistant snack food packaging. PFOA is currently found in the bloodstream of 95 percent of American men, women, and children.

Now, a study has shown a correlation between PFOA and low birth weight in newborns. One of the head researchers in the independent study, Dr. Lynn Goldman, said that, “It appears that there is a relation between a higher level of exposure and lower birth weight, as well as the circumference of the head.”

Another recent study showed that PFOA caused an overreaction to allergens in mice.

PFOA has already been implicated in increased instances of cancer in the pancreas, liver, testicles, and mammary glands, as well as miscarriages, thyroid problems, weakened immune systems, and low organ weights.

A growing community of scientists believe the largest concentration of PFOA comes from the telomers used to make the stain and grease repellent coatings for fast food containers, apparel, and carpeting."

Well, that sucks. You can read more, and the full article here (and yes, there is more)

So, I've had my eye out for a safer replacement skillet ever since. Now, I would love to throw out all my cookware and buy a whole set of new, safe cookware, like the ceramic, glass or enamel coated cast iron. However, I have yet to grow a money tree in my backyard. ;)

But lo, behold - I found an enamel coated cast iron skillet the other day! And I found it at my local H.E.B. Grocery store for about $20 !
Yay! And it came in blue to match my kitchen - too good to pass up! :) Double yay!

The only obstacle left - to convince my husband to use it. You may not know that my husband, Jeff, does most of the cooking around the house. Not just because he likes to cook, but he is definitely GOOD at it. I married UP! :)

Jeff grew up using a plain old cast iron skillet so I was hoping he'd be open to giving it a try. So last weekend, he made our favorite breakfast in it - scrambled eggs. He was impressed. The eggs stuck a little here and there, but not much. It was a win, win.

Yay for toxic free scrambled eggs! And a husband who can and LOVES to cook.
I am blessed. :)

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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